You can make a donation in one of five different ways:

Donate Online

Give one time or set a monthly amount.

Submit this donation below.

By Mail

Send your check to



Text to give

Text the words GOMICRO (small or caps) to this number: 805-476-4195

Qualified IRA Accounts

Donate to GDI from your qualified IRA accounts that can be structured as tax-free qualified charitable distributions (QCD's) if you are over 70-1/2. Contact your retirement plan administrator to learn how to donate from your IRA.

Transfer Capital Gains

Set up transfer of your capital gains from stock investments to GDI FEIN: 77-0573902; GDI CA Corp No.: C2350302; GDI Fidelity Account No.: Z40463347. Provide this information to your brokerage firm and they will handle the rest.

Please note we do not solicit donations from the states of Massachusetts or Pennsylvanian at this time. GDI is a US-based nonprofit organization, incorporated in the state of California. It operates in accordance with the "By-laws" filed in the office of the Attorney General of that state. The US Internal Revenue Service has designated GDI® a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. GDI accepts gifts subject to donor designations. However, in accordance with IRS requirements, all gifts are given to and must be treated as belonging fully to GDI® and are subject to its control and discretion. Our Federal ID# is: 77-0573902.

Current IRS Filings

2022 990 GDI 1023EZ_032916

GDI Conflict of Interest Policy1023022317