A Guide to Transforming and Multiplying

Disciples of Jesus Through MicroGroups

Solutions for All Disciplemakers to Fulfill The Great Commission to "go and make disciples" (Matthew 28:18-20)

Our Book Features

The Curriculum

The curriculum covers the necessary building blocks to lay a solid foundation in any believer for relational disciplemaking.

MicroGroup Disciples

The MicroGroup is 3-4 people who are invited into an in-depth, covenantal relationship for 1-1/2 years, preferably meeting weekly.



Establish a MicroGroup-based ministry for people to have the joy of being able to fulfill

The Great Commission

so that it is no longer

"The Great Omission."

What the World Needs Now

Book Author

Over the last 40 years as a pastor, seminary professor, and MicroGroup leader, Greg Ogden has written curriculum materials and taught hungry Christians how to recapture the essentials of the Christian way of life.

Greg Ogden