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Making disciples a few at a time

Jesus focused primarily on relationships. He invited a few into relationship with Himself, and that was the process that He took them through.

And so, we call this, "The Power of Personal Invitation," inviting people into relationship. And so, we have introduced the concept of the "MicroGroup" as a way to introduce the relational model, which Jesus gave us: Groups of 3-4.

Keep the group small in size. Customize the journey to each individual in the group, as a way of seeing transformation take place. In this session, we will look at the last two of the critical elements in our formula--the picture of how to make disciples who make disciples.

We will look at the issues of intentional leadership, the "driver of the car [MicroGroup]." Every car needs a driver to get to a destination [transformed by surrender to be led by the Holy Spirit moment by moment because our love of Jesus motivates us above all else].


Read Go Micro Today

The new Go Micro book is here, and we think you will love it. Check it out!